YOU are a Royal – half-magic, half-human.
You're one of the court cards from the tarot deck – the impetuous Princess of Wands, the calculating Knight of Pentacles, the empire-building Queen of Wands, and so on.
You use magic like a brick through the window of the world.
THEY are the Arcane – Death, The Hanged Man, The Devil, The Lovers, The Star.
They are reality-bending monsters that wear human skin like a suit.
TONIGHT, before dawn, you are going to corner one of them and take their power for your own in a heist the likes of which the worlds have never seen. The city is going to burn. It’s going to be beautiful.
About the book:
Royal Blood is a rules-light heist roleplaying game for three or more players and a gamesmaster.
To play, you’ll need a deck of tarot cards and a handful of coins.
Use the tarot and junk magic to dethrone great and terrible monsters and steal their power.