Little Baby - Car Seat Cleaning with Sanitization Service
The package consists Complete vacuum, wash, and wipe down of car seat / stroller fabrics and frame. Full sterilization with 165 degree high pressure steam cleaning and heat-drying to kill microbes, germs and bacteria trapped deep within fabric. Use of locally produced allergen-free, non-toxic and fragrance free cleaning solutions
*Note we currently don't do cleaning on extreme case poop, pee or vomit cases as it requires a whole new set of (stronger) cleaning solutions.
*Complimentary 1 x Efil Disinfectant Spray 50ml - 24 Hours Barrier Protection Against Bacteria and Viruses for every cleaning service.
*Item must be ready for pick up at your door step. (Our courier driver does not remove car seat from your vehicle, please help to remove it before pickup).
Inclusive of 2 way pick up from your doorstep and return service.
If you would like to send directly to the washing destination, please PM us for different quotation. Thanks